How To Sell on Lazada Malaysia

Fri Mar 11, 2022

Sell on Lazada Malaysia : 7 Easy Steps

Want to increase your income by selling products online ? Today I will guide you on how to sell items on Lazada Malaysia.

Lazada is one of top online marketplace in Malaysia, with over 60 million users with a wide selection of products and services. It offers a wide range of products from various categories, including electronics, home appliances, clothing and accessories, and food. If you are successful in selling products on Lazada Malaysia, you can earn an income that can support your lifestyle.

There are a few things you need to do before you can start to sell on Lazada Malaysia.

Step 1: Register with Lazada Malaysia

Step 2: Verify Your Email Address

Step 3: Store Address and Details

Step 4: Listing your products to sell

Step 5: Decorating your store front

Step 6: Market your product & Start Selling!

Step 7 : Ship out your first order and get paid!

Step 1: Register with Lazada Seller Center

In order to sell on Lazada Malaysia, you will need these following :

  • Phone number
  • Email
  • Identity Card or Company Registration Documents
  • Warehouse or store address

Lazada sellers can choose to register as Individual accounts, which only requires a Identity Card or Company Accounts which requires a Company Document .

To start to sell things on Lazada Malaysia, you first need to register with the Lazada Seller Centre. To do this, click on the button at the top right-hand corner of the homepage and enter your phone number and email address.

You will then be prompted to verify your account by entering a password. Once you've successfully registered, you'll be able to create a profile and start selling.

Step 2: Verify Your Email Address

After you've registered with , the next step is to verify your email address. This verification process is necessary in order for sellercenter Lazada.

Step 3: Store Address and Details

Once you've verified your email address, the next step is to create a profile display name, company (or personal name) and adding your company or store logo.

Then, you need to add in your warehouse or store address to start selling and your bank account details for Lazada to transfer the money once the order is delivered.

Step 4: Listing your products to sell

To do this, click on the 'Add Products' at the top right-hand corner of the homepage and select 'Add New Products'. You'll then be able to enter a title for your product, as well as a description and image.

I would suggest you have a look at similar products in your category before designing your images, in order to attract more customers .

I would suggest to list at least minimum 10 products to start off with.

Step 5: Decorate your store front

After you've created your products, it's time to decorate your store front. To do this, click on the 'Store Decoration' button at the top right-hand corner of the homepage and select 'Edit Store Front'.

This is where you can put in store banners and really decorate your store to look professional and attractive .

You'll then be able to add images, videos and promotions for your customers to view.

Step 6: Start Selling!

Now that you've set up your store, it's time to start selling!

Just do some marketing via social media, or utilize Lazada ads to push your product to the front.

Step 7 : Ship out your first order and get paid!

Once you get your first order, you just have to pack it and send it to the nearest Lazada drop off point and the courier will send it to your customer. 

Once the item reaches your customer, the order status will be changed to delivered and you will get paid the following week!

Sounds great ?

Just 7 simple steps to become a Lazada seller, which you can easily start selling .

Yes, its just so simple to start selling and making money for yourself and your family!

Kong is the founder of Big Care Mart, the top selling online store in Lazada & Shopee, Lazada Woman of the Year & a Lazada Certified Trainer,You can connect with her on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube Kongpreneur..